Full-Cycle Form Management System for
Your Application or CMSYou can use SurveyJS components to build a full-cycle survey management system integrated with your backend.
Your users will be able to create, modify, and run surveys, collect survey results, and analyze them using visualization tools. View examples for ASP.NET Core, Node.js, PHP, and WordPress below. Note that these examples demonstrate our Survey Creator, which is not free for commercial usage. Refer to the Buy page for information on plans and pricing.Embed SurveyJS Form Library and Survey Creator in your site using a WordPress plugin.
Save forms and user responses in a PostgreSQL database on a Node.js server.
Integrate SurveyJS components with a Node.js server that uses a MongoDB database.
Generate forms for domain models and edit them in Survey Creator.
If you want to learn more about how SurveyJS libraries interact with the server and integrate with backend, Integration with Backend .
refer to the following help topic: