Survey options
You may:
- Show/hide survey tabs.
- Show/hide options menu button and turn-on valid JSON generation
- Limit question types you want to have in the toolbox
- Show toolbox and property grid on the left, right, combine them or hide
- Change the style of the property grid. Instead of categories show all properties in alphabet order where property name and editor are in one row.
- Set the designer height
Show/hide survey tabs.
By default, "Survey Designer", "JSON Editor" and "Test Survey" are visible. "Embed Survey" tab is invisible.
The following boolean properties in creatorOptions give you the control under them. Please note, that there is no property for "Survey Designer" tab. You can't make it invisible.
- showJSONEditorTab - Show/hide JSON editor tab. It is true by default.
- showTestSurveyTab - Show/hide Test Survey tab. It is true by default.
- showTranslationTab - Show/hide a tab that shows on one page all localized strings for all locales/languages.
- showLogicTab - Show/hide a tab that shows the Survey logic.
- showEmbededSurveyTab - Show/hide a tab that shows how to embed the survey into your web page. It is false by default.
var creatorOptions = {showJSONEditorTab: false};
//There will be two tabs visible: "Survey Designer" and "Test Survey"
var creator = new SurveyCreator.SurveyCreator("creatorElement", creatorOptions);
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